This index lists the compatibility status of some commonly community plugins in Rspack.
The support status of Rspack for the built-in plugins in webpack can be refer to Webpack-aligned built-in plugins.
Note that the table only lists some common community plugins. For plugins that are not mentioned, you can verify their functionality on your own. Feel free to add more plugins to the current document.
Plugin | Support status | Notes |
copy-webpack-plugin | 🔵 Included | Use CopyRspackPlugin instead |
mini-css-extract-plugin | 🔵 Included | Use CssExtractRspackPlugin instead |
tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin | 🔵 Included | Use resolve.tsConfig instead |
@loadable/webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
@sentry/webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | Support for the plugin version v1.20.1 and above has been implemented in v0.3.3 |
@soda/friendly-errors-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
@vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
assets-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | useBeforeEmitHook option not supported |
clean-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
compression-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
css-minimizer-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | Rspack provides LightningCssMinimizerRspackPlugin to deliver better performance |
dotenv-webpack | 🟢 Compatible | |
error-overlay-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
eslint-import-resolver-webpack | 🟢 Compatible | |
filemanager-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
friendly-errors-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
html-minimizer-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
html-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | Support for this plugin was implemented in v0.3.3, please upgrade the Rspack version to use it |
json-minimizer-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
license-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
moment-locales-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | Support for this plugin was implemented in v0.7.0, please upgrade the Rspack version to use it |
monaco-editor-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
node-polyfill-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
serwist | 🟢 Compatible | |
stylelint-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
terser-webpack-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | Rspack provides SwcJsMinimizerRspackPlugin to deliver better performance |
webpack-bundle-analyzer | 🟢 Compatible | |
webpack-stats-plugin | 🟢 Compatible | |
@nx/webpack | 🟡 Alternative | Use @nx/rspack instead |
@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin | 🟡 Alternative | Use @rspack/plugin-react-refresh instead |
eslint-webpack-plugin | 🟡 Alternative | Use eslint-rspack-plugin instead |
html-webpack-tags-plugin | 🟡 Alternative | Use html-rspack-tags-plugin instead |
webpack-manifest-plugin | 🟡 Alternative | Use rspack-manifest-plugin instead |
webpack-virtual-modules | 🟡 Alternative | Use rspack-plugin-virtual-module instead |
workbox-webpack-plugin | 🟡 Alternative | Use @aaroon/workbox-rspack-plugin instead |
add-asset-html-webpack-plugin | 🟡 Partially compatible | This plugin depends on html-webpack-plugin |
html-webpack-harddisk-plugin | 🟡 Partially compatible | This plugin depends on html-webpack-plugin |
image-minimizer-webpack-plugin | 🟡 Partially compatible | Only supports using loader standalone |
webpack-assets-manifest | 🟡 Partially compatible | Only supports basic usage |
@cypress/webpack-preprocessor | 🔴 Incompatible | To be implemented |
@intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n | 🔴 Incompatible | To be implemented |
@ngtools/webpack | 🔴 Incompatible | To be implemented |
@storybook/react-docgen-typescript-plugin | 🔴 Incompatible | To be implemented |
circular-dependency-plugin | 🔴 Incompatible | Use Eslint import/no-cycle rule instead |
critters-webpack-plugin | 🔴 Incompatible | To be implemented |
git-revision-webpack-plugin | 🔴 Incompatible | To be implemented |
last-call-webpack-plugin | 🔴 Incompatible | To be implemented |
pnp-webpack-plugin | 🔴 Incompatible | resolve.plugins option not supported |
progress-bar-webpack-plugin | 🔴 Incompatible | need replace webpack.ProgressPlugin with rspack.ProgressPlugin |
speed-measure-webpack-plugin | 🔴 Incompatible | Use Rsdoctor instead |
webpack-filter-warnings-plugin | 🔴 Incompatible | Use ignoreWarnings instead |
webpack-remove-empty-scripts | 🔴 Incompatible | To be implemented |
webpack-subresource-integrity | 🔴 Incompatible | To be implemented |
webpackbar | 🔴 Incompatible | need replace webpack.ProgressPlugin with rspack.ProgressPlugin |
You can view examples of common plugins at rspack-examples.
Additionally, you can check out the community Rspack plugins at awesome-rspack.