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The following sections provide some basic examples of the different types of loaders. Note that the map
and meta
parameters are optional, see this.callback
Either return
or this.callback
can be used to return the transformed content
The this.callback
method is more flexible as it allows multiple arguments to be passed as opposed to only the content
Rspack, internally, will convert loaders into async regardless of it's a synchronous loader for technical and performance reason.
For async loaders, this.async
is used to retrieve the callback
Rspack supports ESM loaders, you can write loaders using ESM syntax and export the loader function using export default
When writing ESM loaders, the file name needs to end with .mjs
, or set type
to module
in the nearest package.json
If you need to set options like raw
or pitch
, you can use named exports:
ESM loader and CommonJS loader have the same functionality, but use different module syntax. You can choose the format based on your project needs.
If you write Rspack loader using TypeScript, you can import LoaderContext
to add types to the loader:
By default, resource files are converted to UTF-8 strings and passed to the loader. loaders can receive raw Buffer
by setting raw
to true
. Each loader can pass its processing results as String
or Buffer
, and the Rspack compiler will convert them to and from the loader.
Loaders are always called from right to left. There are some instances where the loader only cares about the metadata behind a request and can ignore the results of the previous loader. The pitch
method on loaders is called from left to right before the loaders are actually executed (from right to left).
For the following configuration of use
These steps would occur:
Normally, if it the loader is simple enough which only exports the normal stage hook:
Then, the pitching stage will be skipped.
So why might a loader take advantage of the "pitching" phase?
First, the data passed to the pitch method is exposed in the execution phase as well under and could be useful for capturing and sharing information from earlier in the cycle.
Second, if a loader delivers a result in the pitch method, the process turns around and skips the remaining loaders. In our example above, if the b-loaders pitch method returned something:
The steps above would be shortened to:
For a real world example, style-loader
leverages the second advantage to dispatch requests.
Please visit style-loader for details.