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Options for infrastructure level logging. Generally used for logs unrelated to the Compilation.


  • Type: boolean

Append lines to the output instead of updating existing output, useful for status messages. This option is used only when no custom console is provided.

module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    appendOnly: true,
    level: 'verbose',
  plugins: [
    compiler => {
      const logger = compiler.getInfrastructureLogger('MyPlugin');
      logger.status('first output'); // this line won't be overridden with `appendOnly` enabled
      logger.status('second output');


  • Type: boolean

Enable colorful output for infrastructure level logging. This option is used only when no custom console is provided.

module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    colors: true,
    level: 'verbose',
  plugins: [
    compiler => {
      const logger = compiler.getInfrastructureLogger('MyPlugin');
      logger.log('this output will be colorful');


  • Type: Console
  • Default: Console

Customize the console used for infrastructure level logging.

module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    console: yourCustomConsole(),


  • Type: boolean | RegExp | function(name) => boolean | [string, RegExp, function(name) => boolean]
  • Default: 'false'

Enable debug information of specified loggers such as plugins or loaders. Similar to stats.loggingDebug option but for infrastructure. Defaults to false.

module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    level: 'info',
    debug: ['MyPlugin', /MyPlugin/, name => name.contains('MyPlugin')],


  • Type: 'none' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'log' | 'verbose'
  • Default: 'info'

Enable infrastructure logging output. Similar to (stats.logging)[/config/stats#statslogging] option but for infrastructure. Defaults to 'info'.

Possible values:

  • 'none' - disable logging
  • 'error' - errors only
  • 'warn' - errors and warnings only
  • 'info' - errors, warnings, and info messages
  • 'log' - errors, warnings, info messages, log messages, groups, clears. Collapsed groups are displayed in a collapsed state.
  • 'verbose' - log everything except debug and trace. Collapsed groups are displayed in expanded state.
module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    level: 'info',

  • Type: NodeJS.WritableStream
  • Default: process.stderr

Stream used for logging output. Defaults to process.stderr. This option is used only when no custom console is provided.

module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    stream: process.stderr,